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News & Events

SKLMN advocates scientific dissemination and provides a platform for academic exchange, collaboration and dissemination of new findings.

Plaque unveiling ceremony of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience

A Plaque Unveiling Ceremony was held on 22 June 2010 at HKUST.

The State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience co-organized the Gordon Research Conference "Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology" at HKUST

Co-organized with the Biotechnology Research Institute, Molecular Neurosceince Center and Department of Biochemistry, the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience hosted the sixth Gordon Research Conference "Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology" at HKUST in June 2010. Gordon Research Conference is a prestigious international event in which renowned scientists including Nobel laureates come together for intense discussion on the most advanced aspects of their field. As the only Gordon Research Conference held in Asia, this conference provides a unique opportunity for molecular and cellular neurobiologists to discuss recent scientific findings and to explore new areas of collaboration, thereby fostering the advancement of this field of research. The topics of the 2010 conference focused on recent progress in molecular, cellular and developmental neurobiology.

The State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience entered an agreement with the State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience in Shanghai as strategic partner

The State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience entered an agreement with the State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience in Shanghai on 27 July 2009. The State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience is affiliated with the Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Science in Shanghai. Under the agreement, both parties will become partner laboratory to engage in complementary research work on molecular neuroscience.